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Croeso i Coeden

Welcome to Coeden

Eich Gweledigaeth, Ein Nod.

Your Vision, Our Goal.

Rydym yn gwmni bach annibynnol gyda dros 30 mlynedd o brofiad yn creu dodrefn unigryw â llaw. Ein prif nodwedd yw ein bod yn creu  dodrefn a cheginau sy’n ymateb i anghenion, chwaeth a dymuniad ein cwsmeriaid. Rydym yn gwrando ar yr hyn mae’n cwsmeriaid eisiau ac yn gweithredu ar yr agwedd fod “popeth  yn bosibl”. Rydym yn falch iawn o’r ffaith fod ganddon ni wybodaeth drylwyr am ein crefft, yn gallu cynnig cyngor a datrys bron unrhyw broblem er mwyn sicrhau bod ein cwsmeriaid yn cael profiad arbennig pob amser. 

We are a small independent company creating bespoke, handmade furniture, with over 30 years' experience. Our key feature is that we make our products specifically to the client's needs, wishes and requirements. We listen to what the client wants, with an 'everything is possible' approach, and bring to the table more than just woodwork. We pride ourselves on exceptional product knowledge, tailored advice and problem solving to create both a unique product and empowering experience for the client at all times. 

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Dyma ambell enghraifft o waith a wnaed gan Coeden. Diolch am ganiatad y cwsmeriaid i ddangos y lluniau ac am eu cefnogaeth parhaol.

Here you will see examples of work completed by Coeden. Thank you to all clients who have given us permission to use these images and for their continued custom.

Adra / Home: Portfolio

Cysylltwch a Ni
Contact Us

Mae Coeden yn ymrwymo i gyflenwi eich anghenion yn llawn. Unrhyw gwestiynau, sylwadau neu geisiadau arbennig? Byddem wrth ein boddau clywed ganddoch felly cysylltwch yn syth.

Diolch am eich diddordeb.

Coeden is committed to exceeding your needs. Questions, comments or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate in getting in touch today.

Thank you for your interest.

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Y Gweithdy / The Workshop, Moelfre Mawr, Llanaelhaearn, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL54 5BE




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